Cindy so very sorry to hear about your loss Bill was a very kind hearted man always putting a smile on peoples faces. He will never be fongtoter. Just remember my dear he is always with you in spirit now. I will always remember him with his sense of humor he loved people and you could feel it. Anything we can do just call Randy my dear. We love you and our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Hey, I just updated Java in my explorer browser today! It was real difficult, because first I had to uninstall two (2) thats right 2 older versions of the Java. Here’s what I did.1. Used the uninistall utility in the add/remove programs2. Uninstalled3. Installed JavaIt was sweet. I’m sure what I did was way more difficult and rewarding than what you did. Tomorrow, I think I may replace the mouse on my desktop… hopefully it will workseriously though… good job on figuring out all that mumbo jumbo with no certification or training. Thats sweet. you’re blessed with great intelligence!
I have got 1 suggestion for your web site. It seems like at this time there are a number of cascading stylesheet troubles while launching a selection of web pages within google chrome and internet explorer. It is operating alright in internet explorer. Probably you can double check that.
In der Tat war da ein Brummen auf meiner Spur was wir aber erst nachher festgestellt haben. Ist noch unklar wo das herkommt, aber wir werden da mal hinterhersuchen.
Carina Josefine: Jeg pleide å dra til Moss før om årene jeg også, når det var i den parken på vei inn mot Moss, og jeg kan også bare huske fint vær :) Nå var jo overskriften på innlegget mitt avslørende for hva som var innholdet, så du kunne jo bare scrollet forbi ;)
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